Machine Learning Explorations

Repo to explore fundamentals and understand if possible to improve by experimenting with novel and mathematical ideas. This is also helpful resource , if you are learning Machine learning.

Want to run these notebooks on your own machine?

Start by installing Anaconda (or Miniconda), git, and if you have a TensorFlow-compatible GPU, install the GPU driver.

Next, clone this project by opening a terminal and typing the following commands (do not type the first $ signs on each line, they just indicate that these are terminal commands):

$ git clone
$ cd exploration

If you want to use a GPU, then edit environment.yml (or environment-windows.yml on Windows) and replace tensorflow=2.0.0 with tensorflow-gpu=2.0.0. Also replace tensorflow-serving-api==2.0.0 with tensorflow-serving-api-gpu==2.0.0.

Next, run the following commands:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml # or environment-windows.yml on Windows
$ conda activate tf2
$ python -m ipykernel install --user --name=python3

Finally, start Jupyter:

$ jupyter notebook

Future works

Will be annotating all the important piece of code with explanations so that it will be helpful for other programmers .

At last

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